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Name: John Dugan
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Male Organ Rash Caused by Tinea Versicolor

A skin rash can may an otherwise healthy looking body, and when it is localized as a male organ rash, it can give pause to would-be admirers of said member – enough to often make them decide not to pursue further engagement with the owner of said member While a male organ rash may indeed […]

Male Organ Facts and Fiction

Just because a person owns an impressive car doesn’t mean he knows everything about the intricate workings of its engine or the truth about how many miles per gallon it really gets. For the same reason, a man may have a member but that doesn’t mean he’s up to speed on all male organ facts […]

Everything a Man Ever Wanted to Know About Male Emission

Male emission seems like a pretty simple thing. However, it’s a fairly complex process that only really gets investigated when problems like ED pop up. Every man should know the interworking of what needs to happen and what then occurs when men emission to have a better knowledge of self. Male emission happens as the […]

Male Organ Protection for the Winter Naturist

Many people find the naturist lifestyle very liberating. They often extoll the virtues of experiencing the world around them directly on their skin, without the artificial barrier of clothing between them and Nature. The way the sunshine feels, how they experience a breeze, the difference between various kinds of grasses rubbing against the skin – […]

Five Causes of Sore Male Organ Pain and How to Cope

Private area pain can strike any part of the male organ, be it the sturdy shaft or the hypersensitive head. Sore male organ pain, therefore, is no joking matter and needs to be dealt with fast. Sometimes it can be caused by a major medical issue, but most times it’s a small trauma that leaves […]