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Name: John Dugan
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How to Get Rid of Male Organ Odor: 8 Ways that Work

Male organs, like all living things, emanate an odor. However, some Johnsons have a serious case of 1970’s funk. There are several reasons why a perfectly normal male organ can quickly morph into a stinky member in what seems like seconds. Here’s a pro’s list of how to get rid of male organ odor. How […]

How to Deal with Stretch Marks on the Male Organ: Causes and Treatment Measures

Stretch marks are probably something most men think they won’t deal with unless they have a major weight gain or weight loss. Stretch marks on the male organ are surely something men don’t expect but they happen, and for really common reasons. They may appear anywhere in the fun zone such as in the privates, […]

Why Lack of Sleep Impacts Male Organ Health

Almost everyone feels better after a good night’s sleep, and many men report that feeling tired or fatigued can sometimes impact their sensual performance, but is there a reason for lack of sleep to impact male organ health? Several studies have indicated that the answer is affirmative; now some animal studies are looking more closely […]

Need a New Sensual Tip? Move to the Light!

They may not be prone to admitting it, but most men don’t know every little thing there is to know about sensual activity – and therefore even the most experienced Romeo could probably benefit from a few sensual tips here and there. Most important of sensual tips, of course, is to maintain excellent male organ […]

Male Organ Function and Gout Can Be Linked

It’s no news that we prefer things that work rather than things that don’t work, and so a man is much happier when he is blessed with good male organ function rather than faulty male organ function. Maintaining a proper level of male organ health is one way to help maintain male organ function, but […]