More About the Author "mapaso"

Author Nick: mapaso
Name: Marisa Pazos
About the Author: Publisher in classifieds sites, directories or articles

Articles by mapaso :

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There is a New York City apartment rental, waiting for you

  Maybe, there is a New York City apartment rental, waiting for you in your future. How to find solutions if you are only looking for troubles?, how to find the colors if you only see everything in black and white?, how to?, how to calm your thirst if you refuse to drink water?, how […]

Changes are difficult but not impossible

Changes are difficult but not impossible if you are thinking about starting over again try New York City apartment rentals. I know I’m too young, I know I haven’t lived long enough, I know I have a long way to go, but all I know is that my life wasn’t as I expected, as I […]

Assisted living places have benefits for families and residents.

My parents work all day long and my mom sometimes needs to go out of the country. I used to take care of my grandpa, who lived with us. My grandpa has Alzheimer disease, and it’s hard to take care of him, he needs a lot of attention. My parents and I love him so […]

Assisted living can change people for good.

I’m a normal girl, I’m 26 years old and I’m studying to become a nurse. I would like to work at an  assisted living facility  and help senior people. Since I was a baby I was raised by my grandparents, when I was 16 years old my grandma died and when I was 20 years […]

Assisted living is not what kids imagine.

I moved to my current house 10 years ago, I vividly remember the first month living here, it was a nightmare. Imagine a new girl in town of twelve years old, I had a lot of problems. Kids in the school were so rude and mean! They treated me badly, I felt like the most […]