More About the Author "matthewingham"

Author Nick: matthewingham
Name: Matthew Ingham
About the Author: I am a divorce attorney in Tulsa.

Articles by matthewingham :

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Divorce Forms – How To Repair Your Marriage

Throughout a marriage, the couple is going to experience some rough patches. Most of the rough patches do not amount to much with regard to one of the spouses having to take a drastic action like ‘separation’, but then again some rough patches create a rift that causes damage to the marriage. With regard to […]

Divorce Forms – The Six Do’s And Dont’s Of Child Custody

The custody issue can be and often does become highly contested. In a lot of divorce scenarios the husband and the wife are able to settle all of the issues outside of court except the custody issue. When this happens, the ex’s will schedule a final hearing whereby they will appear in the court room […]

Divorce Forms – Finding A Lawyer During Divorce

First and foremost let us say that hiring a lawyer is only a good idea whenever you know for a fact that your divorce is going to be contested. Before you hire a lawyer, we strongly recommend that you talk with your ex, negotiate with your ex, and if possible, go ahead ahead and settle […]

Divorce Forms – How To Encourage Settlement Of Your Divorce

Do you want to avoid wasting several months of time litigating your divorce at the court house? If yes, then take our advice and have a peaceful divorce. In other words take our advice and SETTLE YOUR DIVORCE OUTSIDE OF COURT. Do you want to avoid wasting thousands of dollars of legal fees? If yes, […]

Divorce Attorneys Tulsa – Three Mistakes To Avoid

In the crazy world of family law, protective orders are often heard within fifteen days of the case being filed. That being said, a lot people who file for protective orders try to represent themselves at the final hearing. Unfortunately there is no national study that we are aware of that shows what percentage of […]