More About the Author "matthewingham"

Author Nick: matthewingham
Name: Matthew Ingham
About the Author: I am a divorce attorney in Tulsa.

Articles by matthewingham :

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Tulsa Divorce Lawyer – Three Essential Terms Of Child Support

In a lot of divorce scenario, the spouses get bogged down disputing one final unresolved issue: child support.  Child support is an issue in and of itself, but it is also an issue that hinges on two other issues:  child custody and personal finances. As a general rule of thumb, whichever parent is awarded custody […]

Oklahoma City Divorce Lawyer – 4 Tips For Making Divorce Affordable

A lot of people do not know this, but the divorce process does not have to cost an arm and a leg. In the typical divorce scenario, the husband and the wife are frustrated and they do not want to talk with each other. In this typical divorce scenario, the natural tendency of the spouses […]

Oklahoma City Divorce Lawyer – 4 Tips For Saving Money

Let us be honest with you up front, divorce can be lengthy and it can be very expensive. The goods news is that if you think logically and plan ahead, you can save hundreds and maybe even thousands of dollars throughout the process. If your divorce is like most, it is contested. A constested divorce […]

Oklahoma City Divorce Attorney – 5 Tips For Saving Money On Attorney Fees

Divorce can be very expensive. The good news is that there are a lot of ways to save money on divorce. As you are probably aware, there are thousands of articles on the web which purport to give you advice about how to save money on divorce. The most common advice that you will encounter […]