More About the Author "mooremary01"

Author Nick: mooremary01
Name: Mary Moore
About the Author: Writing article is my hobby..

Articles by mooremary01 :

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How to Maximize Revenue from both Forward and Reverse Logistics

Supply Chain is the movement of products or services from supplier to customer. But is customer always the end of the process? A few years back, the answer to this question would have been yes since the concept of reverse logistics as a value generating system never crossed the minds of the top management. However, […]

Enhance Business Efficiencies with HR Outsourcing

Human resource outsourcing is a popular function that many companies are embracing to reduce the complexities of handling day to day human resource issues. Human resources management has evolved considerably and experienced a major transformation in form as well as function. For many businesses, the various functions of the HR department are too comprehensive and […]

Effective Tax Planning and Management to Avoid Penalties

 Filing tax returns is mandatory irrespective of the size of your business. Just as you implement business strategies to achieve financial gains you also need to focus on advanced tax planning and effective tax management to avoid being labeled as a non-payer or a tax defaulter and facing stiff penalties. It is a good […]

Effective Tax Planning and Management to Avoid Penalties

Filing tax returns is mandatory irrespective of the size of your business. Just as you implement business strategies to achieve financial gains you also need to focus on advanced tax planning and effective tax management to avoid being labeled as a non-payer or a tax defaulter and facing stiff penalties. It is a good practice […]

Fun Ways to Grow Your Email List

Email marketing is a great (and inexpensive) way to grow your business contacts and, hopefully, customer base.  Not only can you keep in touch with existing customers with your established list, but you can reach out to potential leads. To get the most out of email marketing, here are a few tips to expand your […]