More About the Author "ricky01"

Author Nick: ricky01
Name: Ricky Smith
About the Author: I am the author, writing article is my hobby..

Articles by ricky01 :

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Streamline Your Vendor Management Processt

Communicating with your vendors and suppliers is as important as communicating with your consumers. Building an apt communication channel and information flow with your suppliers is necessary, as they play a key role in the success of your business. Proper vendor management can result in minimized expenses, maximized efficiencies and enhanced customer service and ensuring […]

Implications of Phase I Studies

Medical research and studies in India have been expanding in terms of medical experiments, studies and researches. In the recent past, eminent medical institutes and clinical research organization (CRO) have been deeply involved in conducting Phase I studies and other researches associated with it. This branch of medical study involves new treatment, cures, drug development […]

Increment Your Business Revenues with Social Media Analytics

The craving for social networks has increased the popularity of social media sites. These sites are being used as a platform for communicating, sharing experiences and establishing contacts globally. The social media sites have helped overcome the barriers created by geographical distances and provided the feasibility to expand the social circle virtually to the farthest […]

What You Need to Know About Pair Programming?

At the expense of increased personnel cost, Pair Programming aims at increasing both the team productivity and the code quality as compared to conventional development. Pair programming is not one person passively watching the other type. Each programmer needs to play an active role in determining the design, implementation and tests. The pair works together […]

How to Find Foreclosed Homes in Texas

Have you been thinking of buying a house in Texas? Looking for a property that is not only good but also fits your budget? If so, you should take a look at foreclosed properties in Texas. A number of foreclosed homes have emerged in Texas in the recent years. While this trend is definitely devastating […]