More About the Author "ricky01"

Author Nick: ricky01
Name: Ricky Smith
About the Author: I am the author, writing article is my hobby..

Articles by ricky01 :

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Scalable Stroage Servers for the Global Enterprise

Technology with its innovations and the aggressively competitive business environment has paved way for organizations to deploy large number of software applications across various functionalities. However, with every investment in applications leads to investment in infrastructure upgrading or addition, which on the longer run affects the yearly financial allocations for the organization. Efforts to handle […]

Idea Management- Develop Sustainable Competence

Innovation is everyone’s responsibility – not just R&D This holds true in today’s environment. Most big successful businesses have started with a small idea. The idea of Band-Aids one of the most heralded brands in the world from the coffers of Johnsons & Johnsons, came from a small time cotton buyer from J&J way back […]

Features of Advanced Biometrics Services

Governments all over the world have been aiming for new and better ways to combat terrorism and the increasing amount of crime. Much of the solution is available in the recent developments in biometrics technology that offers early warning assistance. This enables government forces and other individuals to detect threats, criminal activities. This apart biometrics […]

Use Social Intelligence with Social Media Analytics

If “collective consciousness” is the term that has become the latest buzzword for new age studies, then our social media sphere too has developed its own buzzword. It is “social intelligence”. There are multiple ways to define this form of intelligence. Simply put, social intelligence refers to the feedback, views, real time data and other […]

Why Do We Need Risk Management Frameworks?

There is nothing more hindering to an organization’s or a businesses growth than an unwarranted risk. It not only upsets the organization’s expansion plans and profit but also results in loss of man hours and productivity. Sometimes, it lessens the confidence with which a company used to predict its forthcoming feats and ventures. Keeping all […]