More About the Author "sandra1whitek"

Author Nick: sandra1whitek
Name: Sandra White K
About the Author: Nothing much...

Articles by sandra1whitek :

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Things You Can Do To Completely Heal Your Skin Eczema

Skin eczema can quite be irritating and frustrating. If you are not going to take this skin condition seriously, you might end up having a more complicated case of itching and blistering on your skin. At this point, you may already probably thinking, “how can I heal my skin eczema“? I, for one, is suffering […]

What Causes Eczema and How Can it be Treated

Have you ever spotted a red, dry, and flaky part on your skin? Do you find yourself scratching this part due to intense itching? If your answer is yes to both questions, you may already be suffering from a skin inflammation called eczema, also known as dermatitis. But what are the causes and treatments of […]

What Products Are Best For Treating Eczema

Through the years, there have been many products introduced to the market that are claiming to be the best treatment for eczema. However, it is quite difficult to pinpoint the best products to treat eczema since people’s body systems react to treatments differently. What could be best to one could be poor or average to […]

How To Treat Your Palm Eczema

Eczema could infect any part of the body. One unsightly and distressing spot could be the hands—the busiest part of our body. This can significantly interfere with our daily activities and work. Hand or palm eczema is a skin condition characterized by red, scaly, and flaky patches on the skin that tends to become chronic […]

Are You Likely To Get Asthma If You Have Eczema?

Do you know people who have both asthma and eczema? Have you ever wondered why most people who have asthma also have eczema? Studies show that asthma and eczema are two health problems that are both caused by the immune systems’ lack of ability to fight off allergens. This is primarily the reason why people […]