More About the Author "suebird"

Author Nick: suebird
Name: Sue Bird
About the Author: I grew up in the village of Romsley, to the south of Birmingham in central England. At 18 I went to Loughborough University to do a degree in Journalism.

Articles by suebird :

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Android for Mobile Application Development

When you are looking at creating an application for the business, probably the most popular choices include Android application development and an app for that iPhone. Many users and businesses believe that the iPhone is a better option since it is industry leader when it comes to application volume. However, Android application development could be […]

The way to Ensure Your Business iPad App Meets Your Needs And Requirements?

Businesses are rising towards the realization that the iPad app might help boost their operational performance as well as their marketability. To do this, require an app that’s perfectly aligned using the needs and requirements of the business. A well-designed and developed app that keeps the business’s core goals in your mind contributes inside a […]

iPhone App Development – The Rush Is On for More!

When the Apple Company introduces iPhone and also the App store, developers have flocked into it just like a virtual gold rush is on for that iPhone & iOS platform. Using the recent release of the trendy iPod touch and smart and sleek iPad, curiosity about the apps has risen tremendously, consequently boosting development costs. […]

Android Application Development: Value Is on Up Gradation!

With the passing of days, electronic gadgets have become scaled-down in the region of work and for the leisure activities and definitely the gadgets are coming with multi-functionality that have been not launched before. Naturally, the trend for electronic gadgets has elevated a mere competition one of the companies who’re employed in the most popular […]

Growing Popularity and Need for Android Application Development

In past few years, the Android phones have gained great popularity worldwide. The only real cause of increased popularity and need for Android smart phones is the in-built Android applications that are stylish in addition to utility applications. Today, individuals are more bothered concerning the presence of Android OS within their phones as opposed to […]