More About the Author "suebird"

Author Nick: suebird
Name: Sue Bird
About the Author: I grew up in the village of Romsley, to the south of Birmingham in central England. At 18 I went to Loughborough University to do a degree in Journalism.

Articles by suebird :

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How To Develop iPhone Apps – Stuff you Need

Probably the most basic needs understanding how to develop iPhone apps has a concept that’s unique for some reason. There isn’t any point spending some time and energy creating an app if you find a dozen or even more apps already available that perform the very same purpose. Maybe you possess an idea to have […]

Why Create iPad Apps? To Make Money

Apple is getting ready to launch its iPad 2. Any time, we can already hear a comment in relation to its launching date. Truly, tablets have become increasingly popular among users. Towards the end of the year, there are numerous people who may have either iPad or iPad 2. But are you aware that many […]

Blackberry Application Development with The Help of Professional Application Developers

The characteristics of BlackBerry are so fantastic and also the latest that many from the businessmen and corporate level employees yearn to possess a BlackBerry within their hand and show off their status. The inbuilt applications itself are so that most often there’s almost no want to get a customized application developed. The mobile app […]

Go Through The Technology-The iPad App Development

Apple has always supported developing a niche for itself on the market by bringing a trend through its varied sophisticated products. With the launch of iPad, Apple has again done exactly the same by opening a new industry for tablet computers that provide fresh and amazing technology in the go. As more users are on […]

Mobile Application Development and the Android Effect

Mobile application development sector keeps growing dramatically. This is just simply because the rate of smart phone sales is a lot greater than those of desk top PCs or laptops. Research has says the sale of smart phones each year is much more than thrice the amount of sale of desk top PCs each year. […]