More About the Author "tessaalfred"

Author Nick: tessaalfred
Name: tessa alfred
About the Author: Like to know about technologies

Articles by tessaalfred :

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Protein Powder: A Way to a Strong Body

You want to build muscle. Perhaps this is an endeavor you have attempted before. Maybe this is the first time you’ve tried doing so. Regardless of your experience and endeavors, it is probably that you’ve been disappointed with your progress at one point or another—or will be in the future. Your body is capable of […]

Effective Nutritional Supplements for Optimal Health

Health and nutritional supplements are hugely popular these days. Advertising, clever promotions and celebrity endorsements have boosted the sales of such products no matter their degree of efficacy or authenticity. On the one hand are those who take all kinds of supplements for any reason under the sun. On the other, you have those who […]

The Numerous Advantages of Creatine Monohydrate

Along with other health supplements that enhance our health and well-being, Creatine Monohydrate is a dietary addition usually taken by bodybuilders and athletes. It is a supplement which aids performance during exercise, increases muscle density and tissue, and helps recovery of muscular strength after strenuous exercise. Creatine Monohydrate can be imbibed in many forms, such […]

What is Magento?

Magento is an open source e-commerce web application that was built using the industry-standard Zend Framework. It offers great flexibility through its modular architecture, is completely scalable and has a wide range of control options that its users appreciate. For online merchants Magento provides unprecedented flexibility and control over the look, content and functionality of […]