More About the Author "tonys"

Author Nick: tonys
Name: Tony Soprano
About the Author: Providing writing about technology, sport, and internet

Articles by tonys :

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Know how effective licorice is for your teeth

Journeying into the much trusted candy shop ofolden times can show that they are not with much benefit for dental health. Going through the most recently contributed article that you find in ACS’s Journal of Natural Products, you can come across their argument that states licorice can prove to be good as a preventive or […]

Autorefractor keratometer and its uses

You must surely have come across autorefractor keratometer when you have gone to the oculist, but you might not have realized the equipment. This device is definitely usefuland though it has a complicated name, the uses it can be put to are extremely practical. But do you really know what is the device used for? […]

Importance of weight loss

An Overweight or obese body is not only a matter of appearance but also of mental and physical health. Studies have revealed the ignorance of people towards fatness is a major cause of increase in the number of fatal diseases. Even the overall lifespan of a person may get reduced due to accumulation of excess […]

Overcome fear and visit the dentist!

Prioritizing an insensible unwillingness to visit a dentist may result in the most dreaded of the consequences. One of the ways to ward off the severe outcome is to have a routine check-up done. Skipping appointments with the dentist will eventually lead to aggravate the trouble and it might not be too pleasant for the […]

3D printing and all its effects

Boston Whaler is a famous company that has been there in marine industry since 1958. They are famous for making quality boats that are well designed and long lasting. Currently there are very less amount of boats all made by Boston Whaler and the ones that are there at present are treasured by people. During […]