More About the Author "tonys"

Author Nick: tonys
Name: Tony Soprano
About the Author: Providing writing about technology, sport, and internet

Articles by tonys :

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Autorefractor Keratometers for Better Eye Tests

Autorefractor keratometer are actually two different instruments with different uses but are clubbed together for greater ease of detection of eye ailments. It is increasingly seen in most eye clinics. While the Autorefractors are used to correctly find out which correctional lenses are needed for eye ailments like myopia or hypermetropia, Keratometers are used to […]

The connection between Fructose and Obesity

People often worry about weight management, often spending huge sums of money on quick fire solutions when they actually must be changing their lifestyle and diet habits. There have been many reasons for the increase in obesity and the most important being the popularity of junk foods. However there is another important cause of an […]

Importance of Google Keyword Tool

The Google Adwords tool is a valuable aid for doing keyword research for Dentist SEO. The Adwords tool helps to show the searches which have been done using specific keywords for a particular niche. Often people get wrong conclusions after analyzing the data thrown up by Google Adwords. One must learn to correctly use the […]

3D printing service and animation

3D printing service has intruded in almost all aspects of our life. Healthcare, space science, prosthetics all have found uses for this revolutionary technology. However one field which had not found any incursion by the 3D technology was the entertainment industry. This is going to be a thing of past. Already costumes are being designed […]

The future of 3D Printing

3D Printing is a new mantra and is now finding use in almost every aspect of our life. Any new technology always finds resistance and poor acceptance in the beginning. The common public is not much aware of 3D printing technology and often viewed with suspicion. 3D printing technology envisages a 3D printer which is […]