More About the Author "yuqing005"

Author Nick: yuqing005
Name: dsa DsafdsaD
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Articles by yuqing005 :

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to hear what he had to say

Maybe they could do the job some other time, when the excitement had died down and security had returned to its normal level. Perhaps the customer could be persuaded to postpone his deadline. Kit shuddered when he thought of his enormous debt remaining unpaid. But there was no point in going ahead when failure was […]

affected seems more like a

Whatever they might or might not say, Kit knew what the people at the Kremlin were doing: upgrading their security as fast as they could. Toni Gallo would be there already, tightening up procedures, checking alarms and cameras, briefing the security guards. It was the worst possible news for Kit. He was enraged. "Why do […]

This was tabloid television

Osborne said, "Scientists experiment with some of the most dangerous viruses in the world right here in Scotland, in the building behind me, dubbed ‘Frankenstein’s Castle’ by local people." Kit had never heard anyone call it "Frankenstein’s Castle." Osborne was making that up. Its nickname was the Kremlin. "But today, in what seems to some […]

I’d gotten rushed out of the house

My father turned to my mother. "Get me the carving knife. Make sure its sharp." The doorbell rang again, and Lula and Connie rushed in with the cake. It was a huge wedding cake. Three tiers with a bride and groom on top. "We got it," Lula said. "Mary Beth Krienski got cold feet and […]

I could feel panic rising in my throat

Annie was hives from head to toe, but they were fading, and she was uniformly covered in white salve and makeup. My father was in the living room, watching television. He turned the sound up and hunkered down in his chair. I looked at Diesel. He was rocked back on his heels, smiling. "Go ahead, […]