Archive for the "Health Care" Category

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Lifestyle changes to set you on the path to good health!

Our lifestyle is the biggest threat to a healthy body. The busier we get, the less time we sleep, our food isn’t consumed at specific times, we don’t get time to exercise, and we generally abuse our body. This is a common phenomenon with most professionals who have busy jobs neglecting their body. This tells […]

Green Tea – The Miracle Drink!

Tea has been around for thousands of years. From China to India, Australia to Europe, it has been cultivated successfully all over since then, and each region has added its own customization to this drink. Over the last couple of decades, tea farming and packaging has undergone radical changes. Ancient practices met their match in […]

Treatment and Prevention of endometritis

Despite the introduction of obstetric practice of modern methods of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of postnatal diseases, a clear tendency to decrease their frequency is not observed. This is due to several factors that make up the features of modern medicine and ways to enhance infection of pregnant and postpartum women: use of modern invasive […]

Playing phone on the toilet will cause many diseases on female health

For many people, the bathroom is the study room. In the past years, people tend to read books and newspapers in the toilet. but nowadays, with the development of automatic smart phones, a lot of people’s habits are changing, playing phone on the toilet has become the favorite thing for some phone ownership. Some mobile […]

A professional whitening matrix

A great smile is one of the best w e a p o n s a person has for just about any aspect of life. There are quite a few options you can turn to when you want to have a nice, bright smile, but not all of them will deliver the same results. If […]