Archive for the "Internet Marketing" Category

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Video Marketing Services with GollyGoose

Here at HQ we try to keep business real simple. We know the online world’s taken to Video Marketing like a duck to water (we like Geese better but you get the point!) Just look at the success of Google’s YouTube plus a gaggle of other video file sharing sites. These days, ordinary folks […]

WEB 2.0

Wide-scale use of the Internet is a fairly new phenomenon in today’s society, but already the technology has grown by leaps and bounds. Today’s Internet is quite different from the one surfed just fifteen short years ago. Today there’s much more content, customization, and use of broadband connections. What seemed nearly impossible fifteen years ago […]

Too Much (or Too Little) Design

Almost everyone has seen a website that was packed with too many images and information. The page has so many colorful images laid out that the visitor must scroll down for what seems like days in order to get to the bottom of the page. All of this information seems to be displayed without any […]


If a user can’t get around a site easily, that user has absolutely no reason to stay. Poor navigation will reduce the number of visitors pretty severely and frustrate the users who do stay. Navigation is the system that the visitor uses to get from one place to the next on a website. Some examples […]

DIY Design

For those readers with limited experience in website creation, here’s a recap: 1.    Design the page or buy a design from somebody else. This is relatively simple to do. If you are good with computers and design, you can probably do this yourself in your favorite software or using your favorite online editing program. If […]