Archive for the "Data Recovery" Category

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How to Recover Lost MS Office Product Keys?

What’s Microsoft Office product key? The product key, also called a CD key, is a usually unique, alphanumeric code of any length required by many software programs during installation. It certifies that the copy of the program is original. Activation is sometimes done offline by entering the key, or with software, online activation is required […]

Satiating Big Data Storage Needs with Minimal Investment

When it comes to satiating the need of storing large volumes of data, the organizations can either opt for an in-house data storage solution or opt to source the need to a data center. Now, even though having in-house data storage systems helps the organizations in creating and managing their databases without any deferment, such […]

Green Data Centers – Because We Don’t Have Planet ‘B’!

It is a cold hard truth that the greed of the mankind has taken its toll on our mother planet in more than one way. On one hand where the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are depleting the ozone; on the other, the ever-increasing carbon emission has disrupted the climatic balance of the planet. Even though the global […]

Exactly why your future pc repair could be done remotely

We rely more on our computers these days than ever just before, and also the trend is the fact that our reliance continues to grow over the years.We also use computers to perform or visit school. So, it could be devastating if our computer loses its performance. Computer repair could take your valuable time and […]

Data Center Service Provider – Respite for Upcoming Businesses

It is irrefutable that the advancements made in the field of information technology have eased our lives in more ways than we can possibly count at a given time. Beginning from the way we receive education to the way we buy daily necessities, almost everything in our life has been touched by technology in one […]