Archive for the "Data Recovery" Category

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Drive Image Software As a Critical Management Solution

As an information technology professional or a small business owner, you know how very important it is to run a regular and scheduled data backup event. The loss of data files to an organization, such as from accidental deletion of files, a virus attack, a fire or flood, or any number of other similar events, […]

How Does Drive Image Software Work Exactly?

Much has been said in recent years about drive image software, and if you are trying to determine if you need such a program in your organization today, you are not alone. This type of software solution is growing increasingly popular, and for good reason. Such a software solution makes it faster and easier to […]

How Does Drive Image Software Compare to Backup Software?

Unless you are a seasoned IT professional, the truth is that it can be difficult to determine what type of backup and data storage programs you need to be using for your business. There are PC solutions, network-wide and system-wide solutions, and then there is also drive image software to contend with, too. How do […]

What Features Do You Look For in Drive Image Software?

If you are in the market for drive image software, you are already one step ahead of the game. Recognizing the need and benefit that such a software solution can provide to you is important. This type of software allows you to essentially map your drives onto a media solution such as a CD or […]

Who Can Use Drive Image Software?

Drive image software has been around for years, but only now is it growing in popularity. It has regularly been used in large business environments for its many benefits. Such a software solution essentially will map your drives onto a backup storage solution, which aids in the speed and ease with which data files can […]