Archive for the "Pregnancy" Category

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Is Actually Green Tea A No-No Throughout Maternity?

Green Tea has little by little gained the name of the wonder tea that features several health improvements. But, there are actually mixed views in regards to the effects of green leaf tea during motherhood. Several experts consider it to be helpful for the health of the mother along with the toddler, while additional studies […]

39 and 40 Weeks Pregnant – Being Full Term

You will probably experience multiple mood swings when you are  39 weeks pregnant as you are quite ready for the delivery. Constipation and heartburn are the two common complaints during this time. Drinking enough water and eating something at short intervals will relieve you from both the problems. The uterus starts contracting thus slowing down […]

Signs of Vaginal Discharge During Pregnancy Week 37 and 38

You may have gained a weight of about 35 pounds by the time you are 37 weeks pregnant. In most women, the uterus stops growing and this is perfectly normal as the uterus stays roughly the same size between pregnancy week 37 and the delivery. The labor pains are quite normal during this time and […]

Pregnancy Week 35 and the Signs of Labor

You baby is around 5 and-a-half pounds when you are 35 weeks pregnant. Due to the accumulation of fat under the skin, the baby’s arms and legs plump up. By now, the baby is big enough to occupy almost all the place in the uterus and there is very little room to make any movements. […]

Facts to Know When You Are 33 and 34 Weeks Pregnant

You are probably getting more and more excited about your upcoming birth now that you are 33 weeks pregnant. The uterus now just fills up most of the abdominal region and now measure about 5 inches above the belly button. You may have gained around 28 pounds by this week. This week, the leg cramps […]