Archive for the "Pregnancy" Category

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Week 11- The Growing Hormone Production and Changes in Week 12 of Pregnancy

Now that you are 11 weeks pregnant, you have approached the end of the first trimester of pregnancy. Your morning sickness has reduced completely. If not, it will reduce by the end of week 11. This is because even the hormone production has reduced due to your baby’s growing pituitary gland. Your stomach now begins […]

Time for CVS and Hear the Heartbeat of Baby During 9 and 10 Weeks Pregnancy

You are reaching at the end of the first trimester when you are 9 weeks pregnant. And of course there are notable changes inside both of you. Breast soreness and tenderness increase along with the increase in the breast size. Chances are that they will grow even more as the breast tissue will grow during […]

Increased Symptoms at 7 and Baby’s Development of Organs in 8 weeks of Pregnancy

As you are 7 weeks pregnant now, your baby is visible through an ultrasound scan as it has quadrupled its size since conception. Of course, sometimes embryos can be seen from as early as six weeks. The baby’s nerves start functioning in the seventh week and it is even able to open its mouth. Another […]

Don’t afraid from miscarriage just prevent it

Before getting pregnant, complete knowledge about it and the risks involved in it is very necessary. Because maintaining pregnancy is as difficult as getting pregnant.  The most important thing to prevent miscarriage is to take proper care of your health, eat only nutritious food and avoid taking harmful things like alcohol, cigarette, drugs, and too […]

Ways to get rid of male and female infertility

Before we proceed to the cures of infertility it is important to know its meaning because some people even misunderstand the meaning of infertility. In simple language it is inability to give birth to the child after the intercourse of one year. And those women who after getting pregnant unable to maintain it properly also […]