Archive for the "Personal" Category

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Debt Management Checklist on Compulsive Shopping

Summary: Worried about your compulsive shopping habit? Well, it’s time to consider the root cause behind it. Debt management experts help you understand these reasons. Compulsive shopping – more than a habit If you have seen the movie “Confessions of a Shopaholic,” then you can probably relate to the character played by Isla Fisher. Of […]

Are the Expectations of Debt Management Companies Over-hyped?

Summary: Those who are up to their necks in debt may have all their hope pinned on debt management companies. Are these expectations over-hyped, or do they all get fulfilled? Keep reading to find out the answer. Debt Management Companies Thanks to the growing number of people with debt problems, the term Debt Management Company […]

Does Debt Consolidation Augment Debt Problems?

Summary: Does debt consolidation seem like more of burden than a solution to you? Debt management services companies can give you a thorough review of what’s missing from consolidation programs. Debt consolidation When you have multiple debt payments and it’s tough to handle your accumulated debt problems, debt consolidation seems to be the perfect solution. […]

Save Money – Start now!  

College is one of the most exciting and memorable phases of life for most of us. Responsibilities are few except to sustain life within the limited resources at hand, especially if you are pursuing your studies away from home. While at school, or maybe even just after you graduate, money management can be very challenging. […]

The Broadsmoore Group: Providing Support to Deserving Organizations

Based in New York City, The Broadsmoore Group is a privately owned and diversified financial institution offering a platform of financial advisory and investment services. Broadsmoore’s core philosophy is to develop strategic partnerships with those companies that support humanitarian, socially responsible or paradigm-shifting investment opportunities. Founded in December 2009, the underlying mission of this institution […]