Archive for the "Alternative Medicine" Category

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Business ethics and corporate drug testing

In 1987 a big issue was appeared in the arena of corporate sector. And the issue was the positive and the negative aspects of a corporate drug testing. The reason is simple as it was the year when the corporate drug testing was started. And many were for the testing and equally many were non […]

Eating disorder can be treated well in a eating disorder Treatment Center

Eating disorders are very often treated as very casual and normal things to deal but in reality it is a very big problem to deal with. It is always advisable to detect this problem in the early years or yearly stage because early treatment makes recovery easier, so talk to your friend or family member […]

About Multiple Sclerosis – Part Two

Due to the fact that almost everybody with MS has a steady progression of their condition even if they don’t have obvious attacks, the term benign MS appears to be a misnomer. A very few patients may turn out to have had a clinical attack and then did not move to progression, but most get worse steadily with time. A realistic assessment should be made so that the patient, relatives and doctors all understand what is likely to happen and what treatments are appropriate. Tiredness is a common finding amongst MS sufferers, either physical or mental, and is separate from tiredness secondary to poor sleep or excessive exertion in the attempt to be independent.

Use of Calcium Magnesium supplements can help a lot to solve health problems

It is very common for a person to suffer from constipation. Constipation is not a disease and people do not need to be afraid of it. Constipation is caused due to several reasons, like ill-timed eating, spicy foods etc. Although it is not a severe problem, people have to suffer a lot. Taking proper medicines […]

How Can Chakra Meditation Enhance Your Life?

Chakras are the focal points for universal energy which flows through us, whether we know it or not. Your chakras have a profound influence on your life whether this effect is good, such as when they are properly aligned for energy flow or whether this effect is for the worse, like when they are blocked, preventing the flow of energy or are out of alignment.