Archive for the "Alternative Medicine" Category

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A Cure For Piles? The Good and Bad News About Cures For Piles.

The most conventional type of hemorrhoid treatment is creams and ointments where a surface treatment is rubbed on your outer rectal area and aims to soothe blood vessels. This creates a relaxation of the tissue so that it does not bulge out so much. Once the tissue does not bulge, the hemorrhoid will be less […]

Tired of Not Seeing Weight Loss Spokane?

Being on a diet is not fun. Anyone who tells you otherwise isn’t being truthful. Diets are difficult to stick to, and when you don’t see results right away, the last thing you want to do is eat is a nutritionally balanced meal with appropriately sized portions. Am I right? For many of us, diets […]

A New You – With Chakra Meditation!

Meditation provides a much-needed succor to the battered mind and soul. This fact is known for centuries to ancient civilizations, like Hindu. However, the Western world has only just realized the potency of meditation as a means towards a healthy physical and meta-physical existence. Chakra Meditation is one of the Meditation methods that is most popular the world over purely because of its simplicity and effectiveness in bringing about a change in anyones life.

Vitiligo Recovery Advice in Initial Stage

In the early stages of vitiligo effected patients, it is more advisable to consult with the Dermatologist immediately before spreading out of control instead of applying cosmetics for their cover ups to camouflage the area could bring more complications. Topical steroid cream applications could also be benefited to the early symptoms. Protopic and Elidel are […]

Natural Ways to Treat Bronchitis

A persistent hacking cough lets a person know that he or she might have bronchitis. The bronchitis cause might be a virus, a bacterium, exposure to cigarette smoke, prolonged exposure to cleaning products, or by stomach acid irritating the bronchial tubes. Acute bronchitis usually lasts for a week or two. If the bronchial tubes become permanently inflamed, a patient may develop chronic bronchitis.