Archive for the "Alternative Medicine" Category

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Effective Herbal Cure for Gallstone, Gallbladder Stone Remedies

Gallstone is one among the common health disorders found in gallbladder and bile duct of body. If left untreated, persisting condition of gallstone can give rise to the risk of blockage in normal bile flow from gallbladder. Common causes leading way to gallstone formation include over body weight, increase in age, prolonged intake of certain […]

Effective Herbal Cure for Flatulence, Excessive Gas Natural Remedies

Excessive intestinal gas, else known as flatulence or farting is a common health disorder affecting people of all ages. Swallowing of air and bacterial function are two main factors contributing for flatulence. In order to reduce the risk of flatulence, it is advised to practice relaxation techniques like yoga and meditation regularly. People with intestinal […]

Akupunktur en gammel kinesisk behandlingsmetode

Akupunktur er en gammel kinesisk behandlingsmetode som sammen med blant annet kinesisk urtemedisin og qi gong utgjør den tradisjonelle kinesiske medisinen. Metoden består i å sette tynne akupunkturnåler inn i spesifikke punkter på kroppen for å påvirke kroppens qi og dermed kurere sykdom og frembringe helse. Vesten har sakte, men sikkert åpnet øynene for akupunktur […]

Homoepati en metode innen alternativ behandling

Homoepati er en metode innen alternativ behandling utviklet av den tyske legen og farmasøyten, Samuel Friedrich Christian Hahnemann (1755–1843). Homoepatisk behandling bygger på prinsippet om at likt behandler likt. Behandlingen baserer seg på å gi den syke uttynnede preparater som ville gi samme symptomer hos en frisk person, for på denne måten å stimulere immunsystemet […]

For What Reason Buy Health-related Machines On-line

It’s a well known fact, lately people give preference to obtaining various solutions as well as professional services online. It in addition pertains to medicinal drugs and healthcare tools. Indeed, drugs and also health-related machines is more cost-effective in comparison to regular suppliers and also pharmacies. However, due to the fact these types of goods […]