Archive for the "Health" Category


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Aging Male Organ Problems: 5 Issues That Happen With Age and How to Prevent Them

When it comes to aging, no part of the body is spared, the member included. Thankfully, it usually doesn’t happen overnight. Changes start to manifest over time, and that’s good. How could that be good? Well, that incremental time can give a man a little reminder to take better care of his Johnson to keep […]

Some Major Health Conditions Associated With Member Dysfunction

It’s become pretty common knowledge that men between the ages of 40 and 70 have experienced some form of member dysfunction. However, most people assume that it has to do with the aging process. While aging definitely impacts tumescence function, it isn’t as cut and dry as some believe. In fact, more and more studies […]

Does Circumcision Affect Male Organ Sensitivity?

There are lots of reasons people are talking about circumcision these days, and it’s no wonder. What was once considered par for the course (strangely enough, however, there are more uncut than cut men in the world), is now being widely questioned as a form of member mutilation. Aesthetics and culture aside, is there reason […]

Alcohol Intake Can Increase Male Organ Odor

Although a bit of alcohol in moderation is fine – and, according to some, can even have health benefits – too much alcohol can have negative health effects, including negative male organ health effects. Many men are already familiar with “whiskey manhood,” in which too much alcohol intake impairs tumescence functioning, causing a man to […]

Sensual Toys for More Advanced Users

Some would say that to have a happy sensual life, all a man needs is a male organ and a willing partner with which to share it. (Some would also say, from another point of view, all a man needs is a male organ and a hand with which to share it.) But many men […]