Archive for the "Home and Garden" Category


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High end cork flooring made accessible

About 150 years ago cork flooring was introduced to the public as a solution for a home. This was one of the best options you can turn to since it offered insulation as well as other unique features that wood did or ceramic tiles were not able to provide. Unique traits and quality of the […]

House extensions York – build your dream home

Extending your home creates more space, makes a lovely transformation to a tired looking property and is an exciting challenge to take on. This can be just an addition of a simple porch or a more complex multi storey structure to enhance your living space. In addition, you can make a remarkable change in the […]

Loft conversions York for adding more space to your house

Space is becoming dearer by the day. Any extra space that you have in your house can be conveniently converted into usable area. Loft conversions York is the most common home improvement scheme that you as house owner can undertake. Any unutilized space under your roof or in the attic or basement can be designed […]

Builders in York and house extensions York – Building and reshaping your house of dreams

While building a house a number of considerations are required to be made with a calm head. You need to think of budget, time and style of the house as well the kind of rooms you require, the decoration, plumbing, electric fitting and heating requirements. Why not let builders in York take care of it […]

Give your home a new look with roofing repairs York and house extensions York

Owning a house has its qualms. You will need to think of regular repairs and refurbishments. Let roofing repairs York take care of it for you. Many of you may want to build an extension to your house to accommodate your growing family or just for the aesthetic value of it. Service providers of house […]