Archive for the "Environmental" Category

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Build It Yourself Magnetic Motor Kit

Building a magnetic generator in the home is a simple process. What you will need is some hand tools such as multi meter, laser tachometer and soldering iron. Next, you will require a device blueprint with step-by-step instructions. Whoever has built a science project in class will be able to handle a DIY magnetic generator. […]

Cleaners and Polisher, You Killer

Floor cleaners are essential to most homes for having that unforgettable shining floor. We all love shiny things especially our floors and furniture. That’s why besides floor cleaners, another item that is a must in every house is the common bottle of furniture polish. Little do people know the poisonous composition of these 2 items. […]

Eco friendly offices from Bruntwood

Waste Less. Pay Less. Damage Less. Our outlook is simple. The environment, your business, and our business are all harmed by unnecessary costs resulting from wasteful consumption. We aim to both deliver long term value for money, and minimise your burden on the environment, with our Green Schemes. We have a big hand in putting […]

Corporate Social Responsibility Cannot Be Overlooked

When companies are drawing up their plans for the future, there is a need to bring together a number of key areas of the business and align these with local communities. The hopes and ambitions for a company will always be important, as are the means that the company employs in the hope of getting […]

Everyone can have an impact on climate change

Climate change is one of the big issues of the present era and it is something that almost everyone has an opinion on. There are still people who are sceptical that such a thing exists and that global warming is happening at all, but whether these people are right or not is irrelevant when it […]