Archive for the "Self Improvement" Category


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The Matrix Choice: Red Pill? Blue?

Many of you remember that scene when the hero, Neo, is given the choice of taking the red pill or the blue pill. One keeps you in the Matrix in which you and everyone else in it are sleeping. Nothing changes for you. Or you awake from the dream and nothing is the same. This […]

Jumping out of the Box after Midlife

I’m way past mid-life. However I feel as though I going through that transition time again, this time more consciously and with a sense of play. What I mean by “mid-life” is that point after age forty when the life so carefully constructed in the early decades begins to unravel. Marriages fall apart; jobs disappear; […]

Make Your Schedule For Family With 2012 Calendar

Year of 2012 is very much important and it is also unpredictable as there is rumor that world going to end in this year. Calendar is the best source to keep your tracks and your work updated. The year of 2012 calendar is unlike other days and moths. What changes is the day and date […]

Write An Im Sorry Letters

Some people feel that an apology means taking responsibility not cause by us. This is not true. Asking for apology or saying Im sorry means you care. You care for the person involve. It also shows that you are responsible enough. There other people who resist asking for apology as this make them a small […]

Referee Dennis Lipski experienced just declared

Epstein grew to be the Nike soccer cleats youngest GM in key league track record when he was hired in 2002 in the age of 28. The celebration won two planet sequence through his tenure. Spartan Stadium experienced come about unglued all near to him, strap blaring, flags waving, fans jumping onto the field, game […]