Archive for the "Personal Development" Category

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Letting Go Of Habits

We all walk through life differently, seeking different options and looking in different directions, but there is one thing we are all the same at and that is how we believe in ourselves plays a huge role in our success as a person. In letting go of old habits, we are releasing something that is […]

Seeing The Truth

Perception or truth, which dominates your reality more strongly, which is more present in how you relate to the world and even yourself? We can all exist in both or more heavily in one or the other.  If we fall too heavily on our own perceptions, we become clouded, our judgment is altered, and our […]

Inspiration In Life

We are all meant for something; that is what is real in life.  When this thing we are meant for is not part of us, not with us, that is when we are at a loss in life, in our careers, and in our personal lives. All of this is connected, for when we connect […]

Law of Attraction: How To Apply It Effectively

There has been much debate on the truthfulness of the law of attraction in achieving success. Some critics see it as a very simplistic approach to survive in a world filled with complexities. There were also stories stating its loopholes and inability to answer life’s questions. It may be true that this principle has limitations […]

Finding Yourself

Awakening to your true self is like opening up to the truth. It is finding what you are meant for, where you should go, and what to do with your life.  It is knowing from within all that matters and what is real.  It is your truth that is most evident and that is pouring […]