Archive for the "Personal Development" Category

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Jumping out of the Box after Midlife

I’m way past mid-life. However I feel as though I going through that transition time again, this time more consciously and with a sense of play. What I mean by “mid-life” is that point after age forty when the life so carefully constructed in the early decades begins to unravel. Marriages fall apart; jobs disappear; […]

PSD Conversions Now Made Easy With XHTMLjunction

PSD to XHTML conversion is a highly specialized task wherein years of industry experience and sound technical knowledge is needed. It would definitely not be an easy task to find the best XHTML conversion provider, as the number of such providers is very low in the market. Once you start searching for the best of […]

Appreciating a Sense of Play

Some people have preserved a sense of play that allows them to be wonderful playmates for young children. My partner is such a person. When my granddaughters are with him, there is always loud laughter and much giggling. This happens regularly when he puts them to bed, and we wonder how they get to sleep. […]

Self development by being included in the optimal environment.

A ghost town is usually the result of an economical collapse or a natural catastrophe, in both cases, this cause the people to move out because the environment can no longer provide for their needs. In the past, when people where more dependent on nature to get their food, they moved from on place to […]

Personal development thru the environment.

Personal development is directly linked to our environment, after all, this development is calculated in function of how well we do in comparison to our environment and one will develop more or less correctly depending on where he is, we can agree that a person who live in a farm has better chances of becoming […]