Archive for the "Technology" Category


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Demystifying the Franking Machine? How Much Does One Cost?

What are franking machines? This is a gizmo that is meant to calculate how much you should pay for a parcel or a letter subject to how much it weights and where it is headed. The package is then stamped onto the label and voila! You are done. However, not many people have a clue […]

How to Attain Datacenter Efficiency?

In the recent past, companies have been experimenting with multiple ways to be cost and energy efficient by reducing IT costs and other expenses that are related to datacenter expansions. In this competitive market scenario it is imperative that datacenter managers concentrate on establishing useful ways to have an efficient operating platform that would encourage […]

Why Hire a Naming Firm?

When looking to get any task accomplished, there are usually two main routes to choose from: do it yourself, or get someone to do it for you. Which route we choose depends on a number of factors. Related to the task itself, some factors include its complexity, how important it is relative to other tasks, […]

Secure Your Public Cloud Computing Experience

Public cloud computing can be defined as a computing infrastructure that expands e service oriented approaches, exemplified by concepts such as “service oriented architectures”, “utility computing” and “software as a service” into a common operating model. Service provider’s offers services that function on the cloud and are easily available through the Internet Protocol and are […]

Iphone 4S: Blend Of Techno Advancement

The new blend of techno advancement, Iphone 4S is an exclusive masterpiece of new generation technology equipped with greatly startling technological advanced features and specifications. The device comes coupled with a range of exclusive specifications that is encapsulated in a greatly admirable and impressive outer case. Being available with cost- effective mobile phone deals, the […]