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Steroids And Performance Enhancing Drugs

It is axiomatic that art imitates life, and vice versa. A more intriguing proposition is that sometimes art goes one better–it anticipates life. Inthe process of satirizing American political culture, two movies released in 1997-98 are reminders that filmmakers occasionally get far enough ahead of the curve to make viewers gawk in disbelief.

Guernica And Abu Ghraib Paintings

In this paper, there is a discussion about the paintings done by Pablo Picasso, “Guernica”, and those done by Fernando Botero, “Abu Ghraib”. Here the two sets of paintings are considered separately and later comparing and contrasting these paintings is carried out.

Intervention Of Technology In Learner

With the current trend towards globalization, new approaches must be adopted in the way people learn and share the skills and knowledge learnt. Technological media amplifies the resources available to learners and reduces dependence on the textbooks, these reference materials can always be updated and can easily be accessed via internet.

Employee Posting On Social Websites

Increase in the development of social networking tools has become a major issue of concern in the corporate world. Some of the issues being challenged are the concept of morality, the universality of linear thinking, the reliance of information retrieved from websites and the goal of independence (Information Management Special Report 2009).

Last Airbender Movie

The Last Airbender movie, based on the original Nickelodeon series, is almost here! We got your newest trailers, posters, shirts, and more here!