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Students With Math Anxiety

Studies need mental concentration. Therefore, studies induce mental stress and influence on the student’s personality. Influence of studies can be classified into two categories; one is about knowledge and enjoying the studies and other one is to put you into stress and anxiety.

Roosevelt And The New Deal

The New Deal was prompted by the situation that existed during the Great Depression which threatened to collapse the American economy. The Great depression just like the recent financial crisis in the U.S was preceded by a period of unfounded market optimism especially in the stock market.

Hotel Room Cleaners Suffering On The Job

Study report that was released by four universities in America showed that there was a lot of suffering of hotel cleaners in the country. It found out that most of these workers were emigrants women who could not get any other job due to lack of any formal training. Most of these cleaners are not members of any organized union leaving them at the mercy of the employers.

International Business In Emerging Markets

The last few decades have witnessed a rapid expansion of international trade. The global trends in macro forces have enhanced globalization where firms have been forced to compete at a global level. The increased demand in the international market has enabled the emergence of transnational corporations, more so to take the advantage of hitherto untapped opportunities in the emerging markets.

Mental Health Care And Social Policy

Many people approach mental health in different ways, some use science or biology, while others prefer to be conservative and use holistic, humanistic or social approaches. All these definitions enable an integration to be made for the benefits of the mentally ill. The mentally handicapped have been in no doubt been the minority in the society and tend to be ignored by the majority in society.