Can Consuming More Help You Lose Excess Lbs?

With over 60 percent of your body containing water by the time you become an adult, there is no ignoring the fact that water plays a pivotal role in your natural development. Yet, can water influence your weight loss too? Research seems to think so… Aside from helping to get rid of damaging toxins out […]

The Revealed Myths in Dieting and Weight Loss

There are many myths surrounding what can and cannot support you to lose excess lbs, but how can you identify which work? To assist you differentiate and ensure your fat loss plan is a success, we have highlighted 5 of the leading fat loss myths which are currently populating the market. Myth 1: Ingesting fat […]

Surgery Specialist Surgeon for weight loss, Obesity, Bariatric

Weight Loss Surgery also termed as Bariatric Surgery or Obesity surgery is option to those men and women who have tried all means of loosing weight, like exercise and dieting. Surgeons consider Obesity Surgery only for those patients who are severely obese and not for individuals who are little overweight or having mild over weight […]

Herbal Ideas To Lose Belly Fat Speedily

When our bodies retain added water we call that “water weight”. It can make us feel a bit bloated, swollen, or puffy, and just heavy overall. Water weight is typically caused by poor diet plan and lack of workout, and specific medicines may also trigger the body to gain unessential weight.

Is Your Child’s Weight Healthy?

Be a role model. The health and weight of your child is a direct result of your health and weight. If one parent is overweight, the child has a 25% chance of becoming overweight or obese as they get older. If both parents are overweight the risk of becoming an overweight adult jumps to 50%.