Why You Must Be Utilizing Social Media Marketing For Your Company

There is no doubt that social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) are the trendy sites on the internet today. Search Engines, specifically Google, are the only sites used more, which should be a part of every company’s marketing strategy as well. There is no other site on the world wide web that allows you to market like social media sites! Social media marketing, or SMM for short, is the new wave of internet marketing because it gives you the ability to reach the billions of people that used these types of sites every day in a comfortable informal situation. So, you don’t really know what SMM or how to do it? Luckily for you, this post will show you exactly how to start off with SMM and bring your marketing to a new level! While there are many sites to market on, lets just look at Facebook and Twitter for the moment, since they are the most used.


Facebook is the number one social media site online and the number two site, right behind Google, for website traffic. If you still haven’t even created a business page for your company on Facebook, that is the first thing you have to do. While you could create a normal account on Facebook for a business, it isn’t taking advantage of the business page availability. Instead, you are to create a business page, which users will be able to like and place on their profile. Once you create that, you already have a good start on SMM for Facebook. Now that you have set it up, you have to make it interesting to the viewers. A good way to take advantage of Facebook business pages is to set up a certain page for people who like your page and give them a 10% off coupon for liking the page, or something similar to that. Also, you need to boost your likes as much as possible, without stooping to blackhat, or unethical, methods. You can purchase Facebook ads for a relatively low price, especially if the niche you are in isn’t competitive on Facebook. If you do these simple things, you have a great base for your business in the social media world.


Facebook and Twitter are like living on two different worlds. There aren’t business pages or ads like Facebook. However, you can definitely make your Twitter profile stand out from the crowd. A good thing to do is to follow every one of your followers, which lets them know that you appreciate the follow. Also, you have to tweet regularly. Tweeting about business news, updates on your website, or new sales going on are great to fill your followers top news list with. Hash tags are a great way to specialize your profile and get more exposure. For instance, if a company tweets, they may post their message along with hash tag phrases like #CompanyName, #CompanyProduct, or #CompanySlogan. If your profile gets enough followers and the followers love your products, you may even get a new Twitter trend! This Twitter marketing method is easy but effective.

Don’t underestimate the power of these simple SMM methods for Facebook and Twitter. Facebook and Twitter profiles of businesses make the business more reputable, since the customers can connect with the business outside of a purchase. Don’t doubt the power of SMM either! SMM can lead to more results than SEO and/or PPC campaigns, depending on the niche. The basics will only take you so far though, so master them and learn more advanced tactics or even hire an SMM service!

If you are interested in more on the subject of Online Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, in addition to SMM, go to Deuce G Marketing. Deuce G Marketing offers high quality and affordable Social Media Marketing Services. In addition, you can check out this supplementary Marketing Post.

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