More About the Author "matthewingham"

Author Nick: matthewingham
Name: Matthew Ingham
About the Author: I am a divorce attorney in Tulsa.

Articles by matthewingham :

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Tulsa Lawyer – What Exactly Is A Divorce?

What exactly is a divorce? In technical legal terms a divorce is the dissolution of a marriage, the formal official dissolution of a marriage. Of course the technical legal description fails to tell the whole story about what exactly a divorce is. To understand what a divorce is exactly, you have to first look at […]

To Do In Tulsa – Things To Do

Generally speaking, the Tulsa Oklahoma Community is a great place to visit. Tulsa is full of young energy and modern ideas. There you will find a lot of fun, fascinating things to do from day to day. In addition to containing a lot of young energy, the Tulsa Community is also an impetus for growth […]

Tulsa Lawyer – Dividing Property

to turn complicated. Of course, there are exceptions – not every divorce in this situation turns complicated. Part of the reason why property cases have a tendency to turn complicated is because of money. Divorce is expensive. In cases where the spouses have been married for several years and have accumulated a lo of property, […]

Divorce Lawyer Tulsa – Things That Can Be Used Against You During Divorce

Divorce is a very intense process. This is especially true if you and your ex are engaged in a contested child custody battle where both of you are determined to throw each other under the bus in order to ensure that you will be awarded custody of the children. Because divorce can be so intense, […]

Tulsa Lawyer – How To Know It Is Time To Let Go Of The Marriage

One of the hardest parts about filing for divorce is having to accept the reality that your marraige has failed. A lot of people who are locked into a failed marriage are unwilling or for whatever reason are unable to be honest with themselves about the failed status of their marriage. Those same people make […]