After 40 years of articles

After 40 years of articles recommended colonoscopy should be noted that the persons concerned that China gastric cancer, colorectal cancer early detection rate is far below the world average, indicating that the public generally ignore the early symptoms of gastrointestinal discomfort, fear endoscopy. In this regard, HE Xi-Kun appeal through the media: With the technology, far endoscopy painful impression you look old. According to reports, the current health care market in Kunming, about 200 yuan ordinary endoscopy, check appears uncomfortable situation caused by intubation; the other is gastroscopy, sleep in the drug caused complete gastroscopy polyps or even take down the minimally invasive surgery, costs about 400 yuan. Olympus and technical personnel also said that a 90-year history as the optical business,  replica handbags they are now through the optics, instruments and other scientific and technological means to do to reduce gastrointestinal endoscopy in patients with pain and enhance the endoscopic detection accuracy. In Western countries, the regular gastrointestinal endoscopy has become a “fashion health”; 30 people over the age of regular endoscopy has become part of routine annual physical examination. Xi Kun Ho suggested gastric cancer, colorectal cancer high-risk groups, such as 30-year-old to 40 years of age with gastrointestinal symptoms, stomach cancer, family history of colorectal cancer or unbalanced diet, from the age of 40 every 3 to 5 years subject to a endoscopy. The data show that cancer such as breast cancer, cervical cancer, ghd straighteners cheap stomach cancer, cancer, etc., if detected early, the cure rate up to 95%.
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