The iRobot 532 Vacuum: Sit Back and Relax While It Cleans For You!

Our house isn’t huge, but when you’re cleaning up after eight pets, it can seem like it is. So maybe it isn’t surprising that when we “met” the iRobot 532 vacuum, it was instant attraction.

It wasn’t just the fact that it was cute, but I also found that it could vacuum a room (or three!) without any input from us – it’s even designed to pick up pet hair!

To get started with the iRobot 532 vacuum, you simply programme in the boundaries. It has an infra-red beam so it knows what it’s doing, then you simply press a button to get it going. You won’t need to push it or follow it around – it really is super convenient and efficient!

It doesn’t just roll around aimlessly- it knows what it has to do. It is designed to pick up hair, dander and kitty litter from pets, and stores everything it picks up in its interchangeable debris bins. It can pick up even more than a standard vacuum cleaner – up to three times as much! This means that vacuuming could be one chore you can forget about!

Are there any negatives to the iRobot 532 vacuum? It does require maintenance, and this is important. Mainly you’ll have to clean the brushes – more often if its picking up more debris. If you don’t like the idea of this then you may be better off going with another vacuum.

As for me, this one little chore saves me from a much bigger one and makes the iRobot 532 perfect for me and my house.

Faith Bennett researches and writes about a number of products, including the iRobot 532 Vacuum. You can save time and money by getting a FREE in-depth review of this vacuum cleaner and information on best prices at Faith’s blog

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