Street Ministry

The word street ministry is used to refer to the vocation of a church worker or clergyman who goes to the public places with the mission of rescuing those who are lost in vices such as prostitution, drug abuse and addiction as well as other street vices. The purpose of street ministry is compassion driven, and it aims at helping those in need and this is even seen through the activities of some street ministries that are involved in poverty alleviation projects.
Religion in America is marked by a broad diversity and a high level of adherence and this broad diversity could have been brought about by the diverse culture in America and also as a result of the amendment of the American constitution, which talks of free exercise of one’s faith. America as a nation has a higher number of people who have claimed allegiance to the Christian faith and in fact, a good number of them have agreed that religion plays a vital role in their lives. Despite this strong adherence to Christianity in the United States, there have been a lot of movements taking place from one religious group to another, and others have even become totally unaffiliated to any form of faith. Studies done recently shown that Christians had a percentage of 76%, Islam, Hinduism, non Christians, Budhism and Judaism to have a percentage of 4% and those not affiliated to any faith to have a percentage of 15%.
Religion in Europe has taken a new face altogether and people are no longer as religious as they used to be. Most of them are not religious and even those who claim to be religious are not Christians, the Christians also disagree with some of the orthodox and traditional religious doctrines. These kinds of changes have led to a lot of problems to Europe because there is no other region that has become that secularized, and it’s this secularization that is pushing Europe from the United States, where religion plays a major role in politics and society thereby changing the American’s perspective on the world. Christianity in Europe may only be revived by immigrants from the developing countries who form the majority of the church goes apart from coming up with new churches that have attracted people from the old churches. The situation in Europe could have been aggravated by the fact that, in Europe there is no separation of the church from the state, thereby giving the church the authority to use the powers of the government to monopolize the people (Cline 2003).
The early church was based on the doctrines of fundamentalism and dogma. Fundamentalism can be described as the strict adherence or following of a set of principles while dogma is the established belief by a group of individuals, religion or an organization and is normally held as true and should never be doubted or disputed in any way.

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