How To Be A Charmer

Do you know what it means to be a charmer?

Most people don’t.

The majority of guys think charm is impressing girls with all the money and fancy cars they have. Some even end up spending thousands of dollars thinking it will make them more charming.

It’s not.

A lot of females complain endlessly about all the things that go wrong in their life to their friends and male suitors. Instead of attracting people, it repels them. If they feel a need to complain, they should save it for their psychiatrist.

What does it mean to be a charmer?

Most of them are master manipulators. Some are even sociopaths.

However, most people are so worried about themselves that they cannot discern when the charmer is manipulating them.

There’s something else that blinds us from knowing when the charmer is taking advantage of us.

There’s a misconception in our culture that manipulators and sociopaths lack the ability to empathize.

On the contrary, manipulators and sociopaths are masters at empathizing.

The word “empathy” literally means to see where the other person is coming from, to put yourself in the other person’s shoes.

Although many charmers are devoid of any sympathy, they are great at demonstrating empathy. This is what makes them so deadly.

A charmers makes others feel like he understands them.

He does not care about being the center of attention. Instead he let’s others be the star and have the spot light.

By doing this he’s playing on people’s biggest weaknesses: their ego, vanity, and self-esteem.

As soon as they drop their defenses and become dependent on him, he goes in for the kill and manipulates them.

I am not suggesting you take advantage of people or mutate into a sick and twisted Sith lord.

Nonetheless, you can learn a lot from the charmer. Drop your ego and listen to women. Make them feel like the center of the universe and you’ll have them in your trap.

In no time, they’ll be buying you dinner and driving you around.

Here’s your homework:

Think about the kinda of people you like.

I’m willing to bet these are people who make you feel good about yourself. They allow you to be the center of attention and laugh at your jokes.

If you can make women feel this way, they’ll give you the keys to their heart.

Why? Because when we like someone we are willing to go out of our way for him.

Visit this website if you’d like to get more tips and tricks on how to get girls to like you.

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