Signs of a Suffering Attack – Alarming Panic Attack Signs Decoded

Are you familiar with the signs of a panic attack? Panic attacks are horrible because they hit you without any warning… and they typically hit you like swift kick to the chest. They come on so fast that people will often mistake the for other illnesses such as a heart attack or a stroke. Keep an eye out for these signs of panic attack:

– Feeling dizzy, faint or weak – Abnormal heart beat – Numbness and tingling in feet hands and fingers – Chest pains – Difficulty in breathing – Breaking out in a sweat or the chills – Feeling a loss of control – Sense of terror and a feeling of impending death

A Panic episode tends to last for about ten minutes or so… sometimes longer if more severe. Once you experience a panic episode you are likely to keep having them. They can turn into a panic disorder if they occur enough.

Panic attacks are a lot different than the fear you may regularly experience… it is not the same as nervousness while giving a presentation or the quick heart beat and butterfly feelings you may get when a little nervous. Panic hits you like a ton of bricks!

Once you start exhibiting signs of a panic attack your symptoms tend to stuck around. Millions of people around the world are affected by the nagging symptoms. Fortunately, panic disorder is somewhat easy to treat and it presents no real harm to a person.

So how do you know if you are actually experiencing a panic episode?

There is a relatively big difference between normal anxiety and panic. Anxiety is simply the body’s natural response to perceived danger. Anxiety can be healthy and can help a person stay alert and focused in certain situations. It’s when our anxiety spirals out of control that you exhibit signs of a panic attack.

Panic episodes are more than just nervous feelings. When a person has a panic attack they tend to exhibit physical symptoms. People typically mistake these symptoms for medical illnesses… and they often waste time and money on unneeded doctor’s visits before they are diagnosed.

Everyone is different when it comes to signs of panic attack. That is one of the things that makes them so confusing. One person may exhibit symptoms that are 100% different than someone else. You never can tell exactly what you are going to experience.

Are you worried that suffering or panic attacks may be destroying your life?

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