Pop Up Displays Stands, The Perfect Choice For Trade Show Exhibiting

If your company has not exhibited at trade shows before, choosing a pop up displays stand will stand you in good stead as you will get a great looking stand without breaking the bank. Another advantage is that these stands are very easy to use, lightweight and portable. It will be easy for one person to set up your stand for you, especially as the wheeled trolley case can be transported to the show in an ordinary car and wheeled to the stand site for set up.

Graphics Panels on pop up stands are also easy to replace and totally change the look of the stand. If you take time to think out the graphics design really carefully beforehand, you can create a set of panels where some of them can be left in place, perhaps only changing a central one or one or both of the outside edge ones. You will find this very inexpensive to do and this enables you to have a variety of panels to have a different look for each show you attend.

In addition, if you book an Exhibition with a larger stand space than your Pop up Display stand can fill, it is very easy and economical to add Pull up Banners or Roller Banner Stands as they are sometimes called to extend your display. These can look really stunning and are great for promoting a new product or service. You can keep the frame and just replace the graphic whenever it becomes outdated.

However good your Pop up Stand is, if you do not do your homework properly and choose the wrong Exhibition or Trade Show for your company, it will probably turn out to be a very expensive error. Getting the planning and research right so that you know that you are exhibiting where a large proportion of the visitors fit your profile for your target market will pay dividends.

By being able to plan well ahead, you could visit any shows that you have not previously exhibited at to see if they are right for your company. Try to take a couple of colleagues with you, their impression may be different to yours and it will be good to compare notes before making a decision. Talk to stand staff working for companies in the same market sector as yourself, talk to other visitors when you are having a coffee in the restaurant, ask them their views on the show and whether they have done business or got any good deals at the show.

In the event that you cannot visit a show and arrive at your conclusions from your research on the day, ask the organisers to provide you with a breakdown of visitor statistics. From this information, you will be able to determine numbers, what type of visitors they got and from which market sector and thus determine how many of these you might be able to turn into customers by exhibiting yourself.

For more information on using pop up displays, retractable banner stands and tips for trade show success, visit Pop Up Displays Guide today.

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