Try To Praise The Mutilated World

The poem Try to Praise the Mutilated World is a real departure from the usual parodies and cartoons that occupies the day to day literary writings as it blends well with many readers. The author, Adam Zagajewski is a cosmopolitan essayist and poet who originally write in polish. The poem is more of a philosophical conviction than an event but nevertheless has eventful relevancies. The poem, though written before the fateful event of September 11 has a lot of correlation to this dark day in the history of America marked with a lot of pain owing to the terrorists attack of the American land which led to the death of many individuals.( Agnieszka Tennant, 2002).
It was at around 8.45 a.m. in the morning that a hijacked American Airline passenger jet suddenly crashes into world trade center’s northern tower thus tearing and creating a huge hole on the top part of the building and making it to go up in smokes. Not to mark the end of terror, a second plane belonging to the United Airlines is again hijacked from Boston, maneuvers its way to the northern part of the world trade centre by crashing and exploding the building. In relation to the line ‘Try to praise the mutilated world’ the bombing of America by terrorists inflicts a deep wound into the American society. A wound that is not in any way easy to heal and thus it owes a lot of similarity to Adam’s term of mutilation (Chronology of terror, 2001).
The trauma and psycho-sociological effects of the September 11 brought chilling perspective and meaning of life to the American citizens and world over alike. Even though tragedy strucked and the citizens were in somber and mourning mood, the then American president George Bush jnr made an assurance that the attackers would be pursued and thus Americans should not panic. The attempt to pacify the population was an act of breaking the monotony of terror aftermath thereby urging people to continue with their normal lives for their security is guaranteed. This day and indeed the month of tragedy occurrence was a long month for the American people were in every way sleepless with endless thoughts and it can be described in relation to Adam’s lines in the poem ‘Remember June’s long days’ and ‘The abandoned homesteads of exiles’ that depicts the ruins of the building after bombing as the surrounding area was evacuated and for long had no signs of inhabitation except the rescue teams.
Immediately after the attack, American forces were mobilized to protect their country and the territorial boundaries from any imminent external aggression. This was seen when Bush traversed the country chairing ad hoc security meetings in different security bases and also the voyaging of the naval ships in pursuit and protection of the territorial waters.

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