How To Build Muscles In Five Clear Steps

Would you like to know how to build muscles as simply as possible? If so I want to help you out and cut through all the babble around the internet these days. Accordingly I have some easy steps for you to abide by. So, lets get right down into it.

How To Build Muscles: Step 1

Determine a training program that fits around your style of living best. Your workouts have to centre around the big exercises like bench press, rows, squats and deadlifts. These work the most muscle mass and will give you the results. If you are a beginner full body workout sessions are great to start of with. If you are more experienced, you may want to consider a body part split, where you work different muscles on different days. Whatever you choose to do, keep in mind not to get too bogged down in the specifics, just get a good workout plan and put the work in.

How To Build Muscles: Step 2

This step continues on from the 1st, but deserves it’s own step in that it is so important: Make sure your weight lifting program has the most effective element of any routine, which is a progressive overload. This means you must always be lifting more weight or doing more reps with the same weight. Evade this method and you will not put on any muscle.

If you keep lifting the same weight every week you are only maintaining your existing size and strength levels. If your exercise routine does not have a progressive overload planned into in, get one that does!

How To Build Muscles: Step 3

If you do not eat right you will not put on muscle, period. You cannot build a wall without bricks and mortar, so do not expect your body to build muscle mass without adequate food. Weight training puts a large strain on the body and needs a lot of food to recover this damage.

Therefore, you need a good eating plan with lots of protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats. You must eat piles of calories or your body will have no energy to build new any muscle, ignore this rule at your peril. A very productive and clear rule for ensuring you are getting enough food energy is with drinking whole milk. Eat as habitual but aim to drink 2 litres of milk everyday. Then drink more if needed.

How To Build Muscles: Step 4

This is an often neglected rule but one of the most crucial in getting the most muscle mass onto your frame: Record your results! This is the fastest way for you to know if your weight training program is functioning. If your lift numbers are not going up every week then you can quickly change and alter your routine. Do not waste weeks and months doing something that is not effective.

How To Build Muscles: Step 5

One common myth is that your muscles get larger while you are working out. This is not true (apart from a temporary muscle pump). They get larger afterwards while you are resting and sleeping. Accordingly it is important to get seven-eight hours sleep every night and get well rested on your days of.

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