Family Law in the UK – Petitioning for a Divorce Throughout Wales and England

Anytime a couple get married, it’s usually expected that they will remain together with each other for the remainder of their lives. Nevertheless, even though the rate of divorces within England and Wales may be dropping, it’s nevertheless a sorry fact that more than 1/3 of marriages are going to end in divorce proceedings. If perhaps this is a predicament you are in, here’s some information that may be useful.

If you wish to get a divorce, there are actually a couple of requirements you need to fulfill before you’ll be able to submit your Divorce Petition. To start with, you’ve got to have been married for not less than twelve months. Secondly, you have to be able to demonstrate that your marriage has irretrievably broken down. This is in fact the sole reason for divorce throughout Wales and England, and there are actually numerous possible reasons for this breakdown.

Adultery – In the event that your spouse confesses to being unfaithful, or you’re in a position to prove it, then you ought to have good grounds for a divorce case. Although you do not automatically need to leave the marital residence so that you can submit a Divorce Petition, it’ll need to be submitted within six months of finding out about the extramarital relationship if you are using it as grounds for the divorce proceedings.

Unreasonable Behaviour – This can cover a number of issues in the marriage, and some of them not as serious as you might imagine. When you can not reasonably be expected to carry on living with your wife or husband for some specific reason, you ought to be in a position to submit a Divorce Petition. This is perhaps the most frequently specified reason for divorce within England.

Desertion – If your husband or wife leaves you for a period of 24 months or more without your consent, this may be considered as Desertion, and is one more reason for seeking a divorce.

Separation – In cases where you and your husband or wife have lived independently for a certain length of time, this might be one more reason for petitioning for a divorce. The timeframe ranges, depending on whether or not both of you agree with the divorce. If perhaps you do, and have lived independently for a time period of 2 years or more, you ought to have grounds for a divorce. If one spouse doesn’t consent to the divorce, that timeframe must be five years.

Despite the fact you’re feeling that your spousal relationship may be over, divorce isn’t your only option. There are numerous very good counselling options within the Leeds and West Yorkshire region, that have helped plenty of husbands and wives workout their issues and therefore get back on course. On the other hand, you may opt to consider a trial separation, to gain a new perspective on your partnership, and whether or not it can be fixed.

No matter what your predicament, if you live in Leeds and need assistance with a divorce or Family Law issue contact our Family Law Solicitors Leeds office. A Leeds Divorce Solicitor will make sure you receive the assistance you will need.

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