Wow Unique Article Wizard Is For Sure The Tool You Require

If you have been feeling bogged down and overwhelmed trying to get your article marketing campaign off the ground, there is a solution to your problem. That solution is a very special article spinner and directory submitter called Unique Article Wizard (UAW). Original content will be submitted to over 1000 different article directories, blogs and RSS feeds around the Internet. What’s more, all of the articles will be unique content.

Use A Single Keyword

After you have decided what keyword or keyword phrase you are going to use, you need to write an article that includes the keyword. Following this, you make two re-writes of the article. If you do not want to write them yourself, UAW has arranged a special writing service for UAW subscribers. While it is not included in the price of UAW, the articles are very reasonably priced, written by native English speakers and edited thoroughly prior to making their way to your UAW account. Once at your account, you can add links, audio or even video and then submit for distribution.

Pertinent Niche Sites

Articles are distributed to directories and niche sites that pertain directly to your selected keyword. If you are doing a story on dogs, your article will never end up on an article directory especially for traveling. UAW registers you to all of the sites to which it distributes your articles. You do not have to do this by hand. Prior to sending the article out, you can select how many places you want the article submitted to each day. You have complete control over this. There are no limits to the number of articles you can send out in a month. You can use pseudonyms, as well.

Duplicate Content Is A Thing Of The Past

Once your article is posted on the various sites, you will have webmasters who may read it and want to include it on their sites. They can get their own unique content by simply pressing a button. You never have to worry about duplicate content again. Your article is always an one-of-a-kind piece.

Indexing By Search Engines

You can expect search engines to begin indexing your article within two or three days after submission. UAW keeps track of Yahoo submissions and sends you a report each week. Back links can build up very quickly.

Too Expensive Or Invaluable?

Subscription for Unique Article Wizard is $67 per month. While this may seem very expensive, consider all of the timesavers you get, all of the articles distributed throughout the Internet. Of course, you could do all of this yourself, but you have tried that route before and it did not work out as well as you had hoped. So, how much is your time worth? There are no contracts and subscriptions are billed monthly. You can also cancel when you want to.

Your Growing Web Presence

As your content begins to disseminate all over the Internet, people will start to recognize your name. Your site’s visitors will increase. It will take some time to reach that point, but if you are consistent in your use of Unique Article Wizard, you should start to see your profits increasing right along with the number of visitors at your website. Whether you are a beginning Internet marketer or a seasoned one, UAW can help you to jump start your business quickly and with a minimum of effort on your part.

Once at your account, you can add links, audio or even video and then submit for distribution. There are absolutely no limits on this. When you are writing your articles do make sure that you use very good keywords or better still make a good keyword phrase. unique article wizard review

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