It’s Good For You, It’s Bad For You! Coffee

You may have notice the barista at your favourite coffee house doing it; he or she grinds the coffee and dispenses just the right amount into the portafilter (the handle with the cup on the end that receives the coffee and attaches to the espresso machine). With me so far? Good. Then what happens? The barista uses a plastic or metal device that looks a bit like an old fashioned rubber stamp and pushes it into the coffee. Or at least, they should!!!

A short list of methods I tried: Percolator – I had a friend that served some excellent stuff made with one of these, so i bought the percolator and the exact same grind. Results were OK, but not consistent. Grinding my own beans – bought many different blends from inexpensive to gourmet, but, again, no consistency.

Another quality point is that the plastic containers are filled with excellent blends of beans. They are not cheap, so there has been a strong effort to produce the very best for your money. From this writer’s point of view, there has not yet been a disappointing mug in the several months of experience.

So how do you tamp? It’s really quite simple and should only take 30 seconds. Once you’ve dosed the right amount of coffee into the portafilter, you are ready for the first tamp. Place the tamper (use a metal tamper; not a plastic one) on top of the coffee and press gently (apply about 5lbs of pressure). Once you have done this, you will notice that some of the grounds will stick to the side of the basket in the portafilter. Knock these back onto the tamped coffee by tapping the whole porta filter gently against your hand or something solid.

Cleanup? It’s so easy. The only thing to clean is container you drink from. Another plus is the convenience of trying different blends on a daily basis. You may start off with your first mug of extra-bold and decide that you want the “donut house” blend a little later for your second go-round. With the Keurig Single Cup Coffee Maker… no problemo. And even better, you can switch to decaf later in the day – just one portion, of course.

My theory is that the freshness and the exact same amount of grounds create a consistent outcome. So I now have a new Keurig Single Serving coffee maker sitting on the kitchen counter. I am one happy morning person these days. Just thought you would like to know.

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