7 Ways To Control Your Urge to Smoke

It is a lengthy process to quit smoking. It can take you everything from a few weeks or months to several years. The exact time it takes you to quit can vary, but no matter what it is important that you have some kind of plan to fight against your urge to smoke.

Sooner or later you will feel a strong urge to smoke when you are in the quitting phase. And the way you handle those situations will decide the success factor. When you are prepared with a plan for the urge to smoke, your willpower will be stronger and you can continue your path towards a life without smoking.

Think about when you normally have a cigarette. Is it after dinner or when you have exercised in the local gym? If you have knowledge about that, it will be easier to fight the urge.

Come up with a plan to attack the urge. It can be a simple solution like a stress ball to keep your hands busy or a piece of candy for your urge to have something in your mouth. If you enjoy the feeling of a clean mouth you can brush your teeth every time you have the urge to smoke. Or you can take a piece of gum.

Avoid all temptations. If you are going out for a meal, make sure to get placed in the no smoking area. Stay away from tobacco stores and do also try to limit your time around other smokers. If you are not continuously around cigarettes, it will be easier to resist the temptation.

All smoking instruments must be removed. This is stuff like matches, lighters and ashtrays. Do also get rid of the smell of cigarettes; either by airing the room or using products like Febreeze. The smell of cigarettes can trigger your urge to smoke.

If you have a place where you typically smoke when you are at home, think about rearranging the area. If you are able to break the routine of the situation, you will be able to resist temptation much better. This works best if you always are in the habit of smoking in the exact same place, such as a living room looking out a window. If you move the chair to a different area of the room, or refocus the center of the room then you can help to avoid the temptation to smoke whenever you are sitting in the chair looking out the window.

Write down your goal to quit smoking. This may seem like a minor detail but in reality, it can go a very long way towards ensuring that you keep your priority to quit smoking at the top of your agenda. If you just tell yourself that you want to quit smoking, you are more likely to cheat and ultimately give into the urge to light up again. If you have written your goal down, you are going to be more likely to actually follow it. This goes for quitting smoking, losing weight, changing your exercise routine or anything else. Written down goals can improve accountability significantly.

Do never discount yourself. If you think you can succeed, you will actually be much closer to the success. It is important that you trust you can succeed, because it will help you fight the serious battles against the urge to smoke. It you decide to slip up again and again, you will find it much more difficult to get back on your feet. On the other hand if you hold on to your dedication to stop smoking you will see that each time the urge presents itself, it will be easier to handle.

Martin Elmer is writing about quitting your cigarettes and hjaelp til rygestop. You can also learn how to minimize your nicotine withdrawal symptoms with stop rygning products.

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