Do You Know What Termite Tenting Is?

Although concerns about its use continues as many fear it poses a risk to the health and welfare of humans and pets, termite tenting or fumigation has been shown to be safe for use when allowed to run its course under the supervision of a competent expert. The treatment is quite expensive and so you want to make sure that your structure has been inspected and a large colony of termites has been mapped out. Part of the process involves placing a large tent or tarp over the structure to be treated.

There are some limitations to termite tenting such as it does not reach unhatched eggs and does not prevent new colonies from invading a treated structure, although in response to the former experts say that is not a problem since when the eggs hatch there will not be any workers available to feed the nymphs which means they will starve to death. In addition, this form of treatment is ineffective against subterranean termites. Notwithstanding these shortcomings, the procedure has proven to be effective when used as prescribed and some states require that it be used before a house is sold. This wide spread use and presumed effectiveness have not reduced environmental concerns and environmentalists continue to object to the use of the process.

The most widely used gas, which is pumped into the structure being treated under the tent or tarp, is Vikane or sulfuryl floride which penetrates the wood where the colony is and destroys it.

A lot of preparation is required for this treatment to be effective and safe. Food, dishes, and cooking utensils need to be covered and properly stored and all pets removed from the premises. In addition, all residents will have to leave and remain gone for several days until the tent is removed and the all clear is given. Some of the stress and inconvenience of this preparation can be lessened by making a vacation out of the time away from home or using it to visit near and dear relatives. The gas used is odorless and tasteless and does not leave a residue behind which makes it safe for humans and animals.

Because of the cost, extensive and time consuming preparations, as well as environmental concerns, many experts argue that this method of extermination should be used only as a last resort.

Don’t let termites ruin your house. Learn how to kill termites visit us at

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